
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ronald Reagan on Socialized Medicine

This video should be viewed by every American. Reagan must be rolling over in his grave....may he rest in peace.

Open Discussion

I want you to post whatever is on your mind...

Today I am wondering how many ads we see on TV will say, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." It's Christmas ...period.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bogus Job Creation Numbers

It appears the numbers that the Obama administraion is putting out as far as jobs created or saved are bogus. The numbers just don't add up. For starters there were over 80,000 jobs raported in districts that don't even exist. The whole premise is flawed, because the government cannot create a sustainable job anyway, we need long term jobs that produce something to get the economy up and running.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Global warming turns out to be an expensive hoax!

Global warming is a farce!

Please read the above article. It appears Al Gore and his corrupt buddies have been lying to us. Surprise surprise... This hoax has cost the American people so much money...while lining the pockets of Al and his buddies. I am so happy that they will finally be exposed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Government Takeover

Is it just me? I feel like Obama is hell bent on controlling America. He has bailed out the Auto Industry, banks, Insurance industry, Goldman Sacks, the auto union pension funds, Fanny Mae & Freddie Mac, you name it. He is printing money at a rate never seen in American history. When is it going to stop? I believe it is all about control.

He doesn't want small business to survive, because it's to hard to control them. Small business is what provides most of the jobs. He hasn't done one thing to make a good business climate.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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This is a very touchy subject. It has been the great divider among many people, as it is so personal. As I sit here, never in the position to make a decision like that, I feel that I could never end the life of a baby under any circumstances. Even in a rape situation, the baby would be half me, and I don't think I could do it. I do know someone that had an abortion at a very young age, and she is struggling with that decision yet today. I definitely don't think it is up to taxpayers to pick up the tab.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

National Health Care

I do not believe it would be a good idea to have the government administering our health care. They have proved many times over that they are not capable, and it would be a total disaster. Look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid for example. All are broke and full of fraud, and they can't seem to get a handle on it. I believe we need some measures taken, to improve our health care costs, but the almighty government isn't one of them.

Monday, November 16, 2009

"Under God"

I just took a poll on weather to keep "under God" in the pledge of allegiance. Three atheists were attacking my every word, just like a pack of evil wolves. To me, they seemed very angry and defensive. It was very obvious by their behavior, who had God in their life and who didn't.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

911 conspirators

I don't understand why Obama would want to bring the terrorists to American to face trial. They were captured on foreign soil....not read their Miranda Rights...therefore, there is a very good chance they will be set free. Just what America needs.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is Obama an American citizen?

I wonder why President Obama refuses to show America his birth certificate, and college records. It just doesn't make sense to me. He is well aware that some people believe he isn't an American citizen, so why not just show us the proof? Is he really that arrogant?

Terrorist or not a terrorist?

I am so disappointed in President Obama and the main stream media. Nidal Malik Hasan, killed 13 of his fellow soldiers in cold blood, and our President has yet to admit that he was a terrorist. I believe "political correctness" played a huge part in this tragedy, as it was a well thought out attack, and our government officials were well aware of his feelings towards America. It is my feeling , that Obama just can't face the fact that our first terrorist attack, since 911, has occurred under his watch. I pray to God that it isn't a sign of things to come, as I believe Obama is making a mockery of America to foreign nations. There isn't a human being on this earth drawing a free breath without the help of the US military.

Welcome to Politics with Peg

This is my first blog post, hope you enjoy.