
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

National Health Care

I do not believe it would be a good idea to have the government administering our health care. They have proved many times over that they are not capable, and it would be a total disaster. Look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid for example. All are broke and full of fraud, and they can't seem to get a handle on it. I believe we need some measures taken, to improve our health care costs, but the almighty government isn't one of them.


  1. I agree, why "fix" what's not broken? Going to the doctor is already a terrible experience, why make it more like going to the DMV? All the government will do is add more red tape, making healthcare less accessible to more people than they will be helping. It's obvious that the current health insurance industry WORKS, otherwise it wouldn't exist, unlike the government, which exists by force and fear whether it works well or not. Maybe what we need is to encourage more competition between companies; not by adding restrictions, but by eliminating them.

  2. This has been the "baby" of the Democrat party for decades. It's like they just want to cram it down our throats at all costs....and it will be a huge cost. We have the best health care in the world, but not if you listen to them. I think it's terrible the way Obama has degraded our Doctors, and we need TORT Reform for one thing.

  3. The Senate will be voting today...We all know that if they get enough votes for a debate, they will get enough votes for it to pass. This will be the biggest disaster in American history.

  4. Thanks for the video, if only someone recreated that speach with the figures for how many private businesses the government has its nose in today.

    Thanks for sharing

  5. It would make you sick to know. But...that is the plan in the Obama administration. POWER GRAB! I agree....thanks for the gave me the chills.
